Pauli Kulikowska


Back to yourself [ENG/PL]

Last year was a very difficult year for me, and although as I write this I am in a very different place, I am just now realising that I don’t

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Rume Reshke Circle [ENG/PL]

Hello Beautiful Souls  Together with Zeque Amrita, I have the great pleasure of inviting you to a Rapee (Rume Reshke) ceremony.Rume Reshke is an ancient fine powder made from plants

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Hashtag Shaman [ENG/PL]

This text is a tribute to the Ancestors and Lineage of Healers and Healers who walked the Way Between Worlds, who knew suffering and were able to go beyond it

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Can parasites kill? [ENG/PL]

Five years ago, when I first went to India, my friend said to me: “did you know that everyone comes back from there with bugs?” I ignored her words because

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Heavy metals [ENG/PL]

Recently I have been very focused on cleansing my body, after all it is the temple of the spirit. And while in the eso-world you will often hear that the

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Welcome to my blog! Here you will find stories from my spontaneous and often crazy travels, in fact you never know where I will end up 🙂

In addition, I work with consciousness through yoga, among other things, which I also teach.